Matter Notes:

Karen Michalson
Tom Godfrey Photography

Matter Notes: A lawyer's private notes on a legal matter; considered inviolate and non-disclosable. By metaphor and game, my occasional blog posts on the war on the humanities and other cultural atrocities; with frequent diversions into creative matters.

In both cases, a form of work product. Scribere est agere.


There’s a War on Science, Too

I get it. I really do. Science is self-correcting. It’s based on rigorous methodology, and hard observable measurable data. Hypotheses are testable or not at all. Tests yield repeatable, verifiable results or the hypothesis gets junked. Therefore Science trumps all those fluff bunny humanities subjects that “anyone can study” because “they’re all opinion anyway” and […]


Recommended Article: Scott Samuelson’s “Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers”

Recommended:  Scott Samuelson’s recent piece in The Atlantic, “Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers” (Thanks to fellow writer Matthew Graybosch for sending me the link.) The humanities do matter to real people.  Profoundly.  Samuelson writes about teaching philosophy to students experiencing personal tragedy: A mother who’d authorized for her crippled son a risky surgery that […]